Ara Fell: Enhanced Edition open beta has begun!

Ara Fell: Enhanced Edition

Take in the beauty of a magical world floating above the clouds, then take on a menacing race of vampires hidden in the dark. Ara Fell combines the best parts of Japanese-style roleplaying games with the best parts of western RPGs. The new Enhanced Edition features a slew of new features!

Hey everyone! For those of you who don't know, for the last year or so, we've been working on the "enhanced edition" of Ara Fell, which constitutes a massive update that we intend to make free to anyone who already owns a copy of the game! Before we can go live, we've needed to do some testing, and it's finally ready for open beta! [h1]To Download:[/h1] [olist] [*]In your Steam game library, right-click Ara Fell, go to Properties, click the Beta tab [*]Enter the password: afeebetarawr [*]Press 'check code' [*]From the drop down list, select "opt into beta" [/olist] [h1]To Play:[/h1] In your game library, launch Ara Fell, and when prompted to pick which "Ara Fell" to run, choose the second of the two options. If you pick the wrong one it'll give you an error message. [h1]Submitting Bugs:[/h1] While playing, hit F5 to bring up the bug submission window. You don't need to fill out both the title and the description, just throw as much text as you think is necessary to let us know about the issue. When you hit submit, it'll upload a screenshot (of the game, not your PC), your most recent autosave, a fresh save, your notes, and it'll tag it with your Steam display name. Thanks! [h1]Testing Tools:[/h1] [list] [*]Press 'T' to toggle collision on/off. Be aware, while collision is off you'll be unable to trigger events, so you'll need to turn it back on in order to zone or interact with objects [*]Use + and - to change the game's play speed, up to 10x. Be aware that while the game is running at a faster rate, some input buttons may be triggered more than once with a single press. [/list] [h1]Feedback:[/h1] We really like feedback! If you want to share any general feedback such as "this game sucks!", or "this boss is awesome!", please feel free to send us a message directly or use the bug submission tool. We read everything! [h1]Communication:[/h1] You can message us directly via Steam or send us a message on Discord. [list] [*]Stegosoft Games Discord server: [*]Frost#0871 [*]LightlySalted#8406 [/list] [h1]Known Issues:[/h1] [list] [*]The only supported language is English [*]Some gamepads might not be mapped yet - let us know if you encounter a broken gamepad, please! (And to map it, go to settings -> devices -> map gamepad) [*]Twitch mode isn't finished yet, if you use it, you're entering into untested territory. But to use it, put your Twitch channel in the textbox that appears when you toggle it on. It'll connect when you close the settings menu. You should see community voting polls appear when you're outside town - out in the world or in dungeons [*]Steam achievements aren't enabled yet [*]There are some UI issues in battle when running at a 4:3 aspect ratio (we recommend making your game window 16:9 or 16:10! It auto-resizes as you resize the window when you aren't playing fullscreen) [*]If you have multiple of the same gamepad connected, they may not work [/list] [h1]FAQ[/h1] [list] [*][i]Can I use my existing Ara Fell save with AFEE?[/i] Nope! The game is so different that there isn't a way to carry saves over. [*][i]Will I lose my Ara Fell saves if I download the beta?[/i] Nope! Steam will replace your existing Ara Fell files with the AFEE ones, but it'll leave your save files in place. When you switch back over to the non-beta version, your saves will still be there. [*][i]This is lots of fun, how can I support the devs and the community?[/i] Just tell us if you're enjoying the game! The feedback [i]really[/i] helps to motivate us. [*][i]I found a bug that broke the game - how soon will it be fixed?[/i] Usually within 24 hours. We release a new patch as-needed every day or two. [*][i]I read there was a new patch but my client didn't download anything?[/i] If a patch is released while Steam is running, you may need to restart Steam to tell it to immediately check for updates. [/list] [b]tl;dr; have fun, hit T if you get stuck, hit F5 to submit a bug, and thanks![/b] <3 Frost and Stephen, STEGOSOFT GAMES LLC