Embark on a road trip like no other in this co-op narrative survival adventure. Visit fun locations, meet wacky characters, and manage your resources wisely. And yes: you still can date some hot monsters ;)
Hi everyone!
We just released the April Update, which includes a number of things:
New Hitchhiker: Finn
New Feature: Sticker Packs
New Hitchhiker: Finn
Who's Finn? Why he rings a bell?
He's the poor dude whose main job is carrying Mr. Pappas chair.
But it was about time Finn caught a break... and maybe you can help him in doing that.
Find Finn at the Bust Stop and get to know him better.
New Feature: Sticker Packs
Soon the time of big content updates will come to an end. That's a fact.
Big content updates mean the ones with Locations and Hitchhikers.
But we want to keep throwing updates at you (even if maybe NOT one per month... that's just a lot).
What we can offer you once all the content has been served? Sticker Packs
Sticker Packs bring around 10 new stickers each.
You can check them in the Gallery or use them in the Sticker Studio.
We also want to hold a couple contests where the prize will be proposing your own idea for a sticker! (:
We actually did for the April Update and 3 winners proposed ideas that became 3 new stickers. Hooray!
And that's all!
As per usual, we hope you like the new content we've brewed for you.
See you on next Update!