April Update 2023 (26th)

Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising

Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising is an action RPG set in the same world as Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes. Features town-upgrading mechanics, fast-paced combat. A prequel to the world of the Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes.

Hey there heroes, We are heading into Golden Week, which means there's a lot of tasks to finish before breaking up for the holiday. This means that this month’s update will be a little lighter, but we'll be back to business as usual after Golden Week so you can expect a full update in June. Thanks so much for your understanding! [b]Kickstarter Backer Survey[/b] Kickstarter only allows for one Kickstarter Backer Survey to be created for any one campaign. The update last month was not referencing a new survey, but the original Kickstarter Backer Survey we sent out a few months after the campaign originally ended. We currently have 90% of the Kickstarter Backer Surveys completed. If you have completed your original Kickstarter Backer Survey, then worry not! You don’t need to do anything. If you haven’t or aren’t sure, then please send a message to eiyuden@theyetee.com. Please note, any customer service tickets sent to The Yetee after last month’s update asking about a new survey will not be answered due to this being a misunderstanding and no such survey exists. Thank you! [b]Murayama's Monthly Development Report[/b] We are deep in the middle of a very active development phase, working on a large amount of text related to in-game facilities and townspeople, while also struggling with creating the DLC scenarios. We also fought a new enemy recently—the creation of book texts for libraries. I hope to be able to convey the world's history, kingdom origins and climates using only text and stories of times left behind by those who lived them. Not to mention the townspeople's lines. Now that is another big enemy. The townspeople and soldiers in the game are not treated in the same way as the "heroes'' in the main storyline. But that doesn't mean they shouldn't still have lives to live in the world of the Eiyuden Chronicle. I have written lines in the past for townspeople in the games that I have been involved in producing. Sometimes fathers, sometimes mothers, sometimes children, sometimes young dreamers, sometimes girls in love, sometimes kids at play, sometimes soldiers protecting their country, sometimes bandits running amok, sometimes cunning merchants, sometimes street performers entertaining people. I even experienced staying behind at work alone to write lines for townspeople of different genders, ages, and classes. I'd continue for long periods in a daze; I'd become a father, then a mother, then a child, as I wrote line after line of dialogue... There were times when I would be there late at night and, although no one was supposed to be there, it felt like someone was talking in my ear. That would wig me out so I'd play loud music and keep working. Are they the voices of people living in this imaginary world? I feel that this dialogue is what really helps to build the world. As if the main characters are not the only ones in the play.