April 2023 Update!

Neon Tail

Neon Tail is an open world roller skating game where you follow a young girl’s adventures and save the streets of Bluepulse City from dimensional disaster.Get a jobs, go shopping, get Super Powers, fight a dimensional invasion, become a skating superstar, and drink bubble teas.

Slowly, tediously, finding tidbits of time I can squeeze in some work to finish this project! It will happen. - Updated Steam Achievement list. Don't look for them yet, they aren't activable for now. - Total new 23 Steam Achievements entries listed. - Many of them are quite convoluted so only like 15% of the code is done. - An Achievement for collecting all the Figurine (the easiest) is written. - Added an achievement locator system to load locators on conditions. - I had to remove soundtracks due to complications, but will be replaced in the near future. - Added new mission : Ruby reveal. Probably will need dialog improvements, as usual. - Fixed test setup left accidentally. Natixta and Ram won't show weapons anymore when they aren't supposed to. - Fixed Ram's Zombeanie mission broken due to wrong identification. - Now Drone Menu can be opened even when enemies are nearby. - Camera Transition is still bugged, but it's at least working. - Added a new Enemy type : The Sorad Elite. (Not visible in game yet, to be implemented in new mission soon) - Rewriting the ending of Neon Tail to fit the inexisting budget of the project. - Keep working hard! Will eventually finish this crazy project of mine!