April 17th Update Notes

Casual Mahjong

A single-player Japanese Riichi Mahjong game. After intense battles with real players, why not enjoy a relaxed and delightful match?

[h1]Game Content[/h1] [list] [*] Remove transparent tiles used as placeholders in the tile river to better conform to standard mahjong rules [*] Add a special display effect to the dora indicator for better visibility [/list] [h1]Animation and Effects[/h1] [list] [*] Add a animation effect for discarding the riichi stick [*] Adjust the position and initial movement effect of the dice to clearly indicate the position of the current round's dealer [*] Adjust the collision model of the dice to match its appearance, making it easier to roll [/list] [h1]Sound Effects and Music[/h1] [list] [*] Add a sound effect for discarding the riichi stick [*] Adjust the collision sound effects of the dice to sound more natural [*] Adjust the sound effects of discarding tiles to avoid overly sharp or almost inaudible sounds [/list] [h1]Art[/h1] [list] [*] Adjust the proportions of the default-style mahjong tiles for better harmony [/list] [h1]Performance Optimization[/h1] [list] [*] Limited the frame rate to 240 to prevent excessive GPU load and performance waste on high-performance computers, and to suppress noise [/list]