Experience the newest tactical RPG from the creators of Girls’ Frontline. Some 30 years in the future, AU agent Mendo and the mysterious girl Jefuty find themselves in gruesome battles against armed URNC forces…
Greetings, dear agents!
We will be rolling out an update today. As discussed in previous announcements, it includes Art Book expansion, a new “Movement Confirmation Mode” for Keyboard & Mouse, and fixes addressing various issues that have impacted your gameplay experience. Currently, the update is in its final QA stage. You can find detailed update information in the patch notes below.
[h3]Apr. 12th Patch Notes:[/h3]
[b][New Additions][/b]
[*] Art Book has 54 new pages now, to a total of 124 pages.
[*] Added a new “Movement Confirmation Mode” option for Keyboard & Mouse: if “Double-Click” is selected, the movement action will only be performed after double clicking the Left Mouse Button on the target tile.
[b][Optimizations and Adjustments][/b]
[*] Chapter 4: Midnight Stratagem: It is now allowed to get exposed. The first three Phase Objectives were adjusted to “All Shrike Mitotic Specimens and Lige are either defeated or hypnotized by the Hypnotic Trap”, the Victory Objective in the final phase remains the same.
[*] Chapter 1, Act 3: Narrow Escape: the first phase and Chapter 4: High Ground Setup: the second phase: Items preventing characters from getting exposed are not disabled anymore. Chapter 4: The Rescue will be adjusted in the next update.
[*] Chapter 5, Act 3: Die Another Day: the first phase: After Atena finishing the Phase Objective and reaching the airport control tower, this location won’t have URNC soldiers turning into puppets.
[*] Chapter 3, Act 5: Base Infiltration and Chapter 4: Night Scouting: For controller users the cursor will be hovering over Carl by default when turn starts.
[*] When using preparation menu during battles to enter “Collection - Battle Records”, the viewing story replay function is now disabled. Before the update, this could cause some UI errors.
[*] Starting from the 2nd playthrough, save files of Chapter 5 - Final Act: Wish Fulfilled Preparation Phase can not be inherited anymore. Inheriting the save was causing data error before the update.
[*] Optimized some SFX volume.
[*] Enhanced several textures and art.
[*] Fixed an issue where defeating Blood Cocoon or Blood Cocoon defeating wrapped units will cause the game to freeze.
[*] Fixed an issue that controller users are not able to select certain sentences when viewing voice replay.
[*] Fixed an issue that “Medium Turret” doesn’t consumes AP when using Stealth.
[*] Fixed an issue that occasionally Electric Turret’s attack won’t change enemy unit's behavior mode to “attack”.
[*] Fixed effective range description error in Lige’s skill: Made in Hell.
[*] Fixed an issue where Blood Mist was still generated after defeating Blood Cocoon using high level “Blood Bullet”.
[*] Fixed an issue in Chapter 3, Act 4: Camouflage: players’ normal attack will still have 0% chance to hit certain “Elite Scouts” after their “Dodge” status is gone.
[*] Fixed an issue where blood blister doesn’t properly showup after defeating TASA Puppet for the first time and skipping the cutscene in Chapter 3, Act 8: Battle of the Peak.
[*] Fixed an issue where equipment-type items deployed on the battlefield won’t return to the Backpack in the last cutscene in Chapter 4: Deviation.
[*] Fixed an issue where enemy’s visual range is not reduced after triggering certain special event in Chapter 4: The Rescue second phase.
[*] Fixed a problem where reconnaissance equipment won’t return to the backpack after triggering certain special event in Chapter 4: The Rescue second phase.
[*] Fixed issues in Chapter 4: Snow Mountain Interception and Enticement: The effect of Jevon’s Ultimate Skill happening in the cutscene will be carried to the real battle.
[*] Fixed an issue when Field Surveying Chapter 4: Forward Pressure during preparation phase, certain “AA-03 Autonomous Mechs” were not properly shown.
[*] Fixed an issue when sometimes flamethrowers used by TASA members will be aiming at a wrong direction in the cutscene of Chapter 4: The Final Battle II.
[*] Fixed a terrain description error of the “Booby-Trap” created by enemies in Chapter 5 - Final Act: Wish Fulfilled.
[*] Fixed an issue where “Simple Turret” will appear in the Synthesis Catalog when playing “Bakery Girl 2092R” Chapter 2: The First Battle.
[*] Fixed an issue that level 4 “Rocket Launcher” doesn’t cause splash damage when destroying “URNC Transporter” in Chapter 3, Act 4: Camouflage.
[*] Starting from the 2nd playthrough, “Advanced Upgrade Blueprint” dropped by β Shrike was missing in Chapter 3, Act 8: Battle of the Peak. It’s now fixed and if you’ve defeated the Boss before, loading the save after this patch will grant the missing blueprint(s).
[*] Fixed an issue where certain achievement are not triggered when after the first playthrough.
[*] Fixed an counting error of achievement “Overtime”.
[*] Fixed Steam achievement description errors of “Deep in the Tiger's Den” and “No Escape”.
[*] Fixed an issue where Confidential Files - Code Name Operation Bakery Report is not counted towards corresponding achievement. After the update, players own this file will have it added to the achievement count.
[*] Fixed SFX issues where Jefuty’s first voice-overs in all of her confession part in Chapter 4 were not played correctly.
[*] Fixed an issue where certain SFX were not adjusted by changing “SETTINGS - Audio and Visual Settings - SFX Volume”.
[*] Fixed missing SFX when Ruby uses skill “Coordinated Signal”.
[*] Fixed missing SFX when Mendo uses skill “Harmonic Resonance”.
[*] Fixed a SFX glitch when using a higher level version of Jefuty’s Ultimate Skill “Declaration of Miracle”.
[*] Fixed an issue where the SFX and music in battle were not suspended after entering the victory scene in Chapter 4: Blood Horror and Chapter 4: Nightmare.
[*] Fixed a SFX glitch when Commando uses skill “High-Explosive Squash Head” in Chapter 5, Act 1: The Grateful Dead.
[*] Fixed certain textures and art errors.
[*] Fixed some text errors.
Should you encounter any bugs or issues post-update, please don't hesitate to join [url=https://discord.gg/reversecollapse]our official Discord[/url] and report them. Your feedback is invaluable, and we're committed to promptly addressing any concerns you may have. Thank you for your continued patience and support.