Another Hot and Delicious update is coming! but first some news

Angel Light The Elven Truce

*14 to 16 hours of fun! if you get every achievement!* *DESTRUCTION INVADES! * -The Dark elves and the elves need to join forces or they will be doomed! God Sends the Templar order to help!-

[previewyoutube=swImJcln4Q4;full][/previewyoutube] [h2]Some news that you probably know already[/h2] [b]Unity wants to charge a Runtime fee per install which is a completely demonic act, only an evil greed infernal soul will want to harm developers and gamers by doing this.[/b] This is why I may change game engine, because at this moment it does not affects me, but it will affect fellow developers and gamers around the world. [b]I may add a new update as a new DEMO that of course will be hot, and a closing Chapter for Angel Light. [/b] [h2]Thank you so much for your support and comprehension, you can still buy Angel Light The Elven Truce if you want to support me.[/h2] [h2]God Bless you all brothers and sisters![/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/34386777/c232131a9fea14493f85799d1ce243963439a182.jpg[/img] [h2]DEUS VULT![/h2] Chuck Martinez [b]Developer[/b]