Hole dweller is a sandbox incremental furry porn game! You are the captain of a caravan, with spare rooms, not to worry there are plenty of cute and hot characters to fill them with.
Fixed your character having tits if you pick male and furry species at the start
Fixed crash bug that could happen whenever projectiles get destroyed
Fixed crash bug when uploading mods
Fixed "bug" were lots of stuff was not drawing
(This "bug" was caused because i disabled drawing of stuff to get screenshots for the steam community items the fix was uncommenting the line i disabled)
Hopefully fixed "Out of range" stray bugs
(These bugs are honestly some GML internal thing that changed for some reason doing a "++" operation on an array index causes crashes on the version of gamemaker the game is compiled on, the fix is doing "+=1" instead (hopefully))
Due to issues with steam and banks the game is now being published by [url=https://shadycorner.com/]Shady Corner[/url] (18+)
(does 18+ have to be disclosed at all when the game is already 18+ ?)
Anyways from the end user perspective all this changes is that there is now a logo on the credits screen