“[i]Politics is not a game, but a serious business.[/i]” Winston Churchill.
We’re very excited to announce the launch of the [url=https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/20653/]Keep Your Politics bundle[/url] of six indie games. There’s a 10% discount for the entire bundle.
It’s a Complete-The-Set bundle so you only pay for the games you don't yet own. And to introduce the bundle, further discounts are available for each game this weekend up to additional 75% off!
Keep Your Politics is a bundle of six political games from six different indie developers.
These games span a variety of gameplay genres and tell stories from different spaces and times - imagined and real. But all of them have important messages to share about the powers controlling politics and the people trying to survive its effects.
Take a look at the amazing games we have in the Keep Your Politics bundle:
[*] Orwell: Keeping an Eye On You
[*] Not Tonight
[*] 1979 Revolution: Black Friday
[*] Headliner: NoviNews
[*] Bury Me, My Love
[*] and Orwell's Animal Farm
The Dev Team,