"Blindsight: War of the Wardens" is a story-driven brawler where you play as Iggy, a blind martial arts master with echolocation abilities, as he retrieves a stolen family heirloom that may bring unintended consequences to the universe.
Hello There Everyone!
Since development started a little over a year ago, over 80 talented individuals have put their passion and hard work into creating [i]Blindsight: War of the Wardens[/i]. We are happy to announce that our game has launched for you to experience our game!
The game's development started as an "Advanced Games Project" at the University of Southern California's Game Design program (USC Games) with collaboration from Cal State Fullerton and Otis College of Art and Design. We hope you enjoy the game and we invite you to our community to offer feedback, suggestions, and bug reports that will help us further develop the game and make [i]Blindsight: War of the Wardens[/i] a better player experience.
- Posh Entertainment Team