Announcing a new Gal*Gun game!

Dear Gal*Gunners, We have some exciting news for you! The very first Gal*Gun, the one that never left Japan, is finally coming to the West! As we near the 10-year anniversary for the franchise, what better way to celebrate than with a freshly remade game? We're delighted to announce our collaboration with Inti Creates once again on Gal*Gun Returns, coming to Steam, Xbox and Switch next year, fully remade and including more content that the original! Find more information here:[url=][/url] ! Here is the [url=]trailer[/url] with some teaser footage of what's to come! We'll have more news soon as well as a Steam page for the game! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/26356630/16305b8781c7df135516bb5bee32518d5d395a4c.png[/img]