Announcement: 25°N 71°W Remastered

25°N 71°W

25°N 71°W, Bermuda Triangle: An airplane is on its way to America. Suddenly the engines fail. At the end of the day there's a lone survivor: you, stranded on a desert island. Welcome to 25°N 71°W - a survival game where you have to mine, craft and build - to survive somehow! Remastered 2023.

SE {} KS is happy to announce 25°N 71°W Remastered! Major changes will be: [list] [*]updated Steam Achievements (symbols) [*]updated graphics (UI) [/list] 25°N 71°W Remastered will be rolled out as a series of regular updates and will be free for all players of 25°N 71°W!