Anniversary Week Update!

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/32968006/c767503872a3b4f643113e90ac54e63826a4806b.png[/img] Hello everyone, Happy Monday! It’s been a year since Sable was released, and we continue to appreciate your feedback and work on optimization where we can. We’ve heard so many heartwarming stories of your experiences playing our game, and we hope, during this Anniversary Week, that you’ll continue to share them with us. Let’s dive into our new additions to photo mode 📸; we’ve added new filters and poses to have fun with in Midden. Feel free to share your shots with us; we’d love to see them! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/32968006/c0412b77e2d977e456559568aca567f37ff039d2.jpg[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/32968006/95bc5f803369a51aa39ee8953b91be48b656d3fc.png[/img] Had some fun with photo mode already? Well, I should also let you know what else is in this patch, so let’s not keep you waiting. [b]Features[/b] [list] [*] Poses and filters have been added to photo mode📸 - snapshots can now be even more customized [/list] [b]Bug fixes[/b] [list] [*] Fixed an issue that caused Sable to spawn in the wrong place if the player fast travels while on a ladder [*] Fixed an issue that caused Simoon to malfunction if Sable gets off the bike while in the water [*] Fixed a bug that caused world asset streaming system to produce bigger stutters than expected when playing on high framerate [*] Fixed a bug that caused some world assets to be instantiated multiple times [*] Fixed waterfall sound to correctly stop playing on unload [*] Fixed water ripple particles [*] Fixed map markers on new game [/list] [b]Optimizations [/b] [list] [*] Reworked bird animations to reduce their impact on performance [*] Reduced memory impact of terrain chunks [*] Faster occlusion culling with less memory usage [/list] Thank you for being so supportive. You might also be hearing a little more news from us soon… 🎣 /Raw Fury & Shedworks