Animal Shake development status preview (aqua mode, mobile version)

Animal Shake

Meet adorable animal friends in the physics-based puzzle game Animal Shake. You can use physics to compensate for mistakes or aim for unexpected luck. It offers a variety of gaming experiences by mutations that change the game rules, along with distinct game modes, each with its own concept.

Hello, Animal Shake fans! I am excited to share the progress on the upcoming Aqua Mode and the development of the mobile version. [u]※It is still being developed, and it may be developed in a different direction from what I shared this time.[/u] [h2]Aqua Mode[/h2] Aqua Mode introduces aquatic animals, water, and buoyancy mechanics. [img][/img] [i]※Currently playing with land animals as aquatic animals are still under development.[/i] Animals in stages 1-5 float in the water, while animals in stage 6 and beyond sink to the bottom. [img][/img] [i]※A cat falls to push a deer, but due to the water pressure, it gets pushed back instead.[/i] Aqua Mode offers a different kind of fun compared to land mode, with the enjoyment of calculating new mechanics and watching the water flow. I hope you look forward to it! [h2]Mobile Version[/h2] [img][/img] The mobile version will function similarly to the PC version, with touch controls replacing the mouse. Additionally, for devices with gyroscope sensors, you will be able to control the game by shaking or tilting the device, depending on the game settings. [h2]Future Plans[/h2] Animal Shake will transition from early access to official release once Aqua Mode is complete and various skins are added appropriately. Even after the official release, I will continue to update with new animals and boxes. The mobile and Nintendo Switch versions are planned for release after the official release of the PC version of Animal Shake. Thank you for your continued support, and I look forward to bringing you more exciting updates. Thank you.