An update on our release date


Delve into an environmental puzzle platformer built on exploring and understanding gravity-shifting structures. You are a voiceless being that has just been born into a world where a bodiless voice awaits your arrival. Go forth and seek your purpose.

[img][/img] Hello everyone, First up, we have to admit that we’ve been a bit quiet lately on our end when it comes to announcing our release date. For that, we want to say thank you for being patient, and apologies for not saying anything sooner. [b]We won’t be making the Spring date as we mentioned in our latest announcement.[/b] We’ve been hard at work and have actually completed the game, and we are now dealing with the submission to the console platforms. However, we’ve decided to hold on the release for just a bit longer. The end of May to the end of June period is a complicated time to release a game. The reason being - having E3 and the Steam Summer Sale happening one after the other. Since we are a small title, it would be harder to get journalists to cover and review our game, and for people to pay notice to us with one of the biggest gaming shows taking place at the same time (damn you Call of Duty). And with Steam Summer Sale offering crazy deals to gamers, having our game at full price compete with some heavily discounted titles could put us in a bit of a disadvantaged spot as well (damn you GTA V and Witcher 3). So for these reasons, we will postpone our release - but by not much longer. And as a matter of fact, [b]we will announce our definitive release date really soon[/b] (*cough* *cough* #KFGE3Showcase). [img][/img] We hope you understand our position. We want to have the best possible launch, and these extra weeks will also serve to have more time to prepare everything without rushing. It seems that this is the best chance in making sure that these years of work pay off in the end. We hope you understand that. And as always, if you have any questions, ask us away on [url=]Facebook[/url], [url=]Twitter[/url], [url=]Instagram[/url] or [url=]Discord[/url]. Until next time (when we announce the release date :) ) Michal | Altered Matter Team