An Open Letter to Goat Simulator

I, as developer and proctor of Rubber Ducky and the Rainbow Gun and supporter of all duck-related activity on Steam, hereby do proclaim that, recognizing the superiority of ducks over goats, we shall fight tooth and nail for possession of the coveted "Best Use of a Farm Animal" award. We believe this award belongs to a game that properly represents the greater of the two species of farm animals. We are a small community, yes, but we hold to the hope that you, our enemy, will see the reason behind our cause (since ducks are better than goats) and will join us for the mutual elevation of ducks during these "Best Use of a Farm Animal" election primaries. We realize that words are just words. To help you understand our cause, we have compiled a list of the most important reasons why ducks are better than goats. Namely: 1. Because they are 2. QUACK > BAAAAAH 3. Ducks have feathers! 4. Goats don't have feathers. 5. Oh wait, do goats sometimes have feathers? Let this become our resounding argument to the masses. We confidently leave to your own will the judgement of if our cause is righteous. Also, Goat Sim is awesome. Plzkeepdoingwhatyou'redoing.