A psychological mystery yuri visual novel about a girl named Amelie. Forbidden from leaving the house, Amelie awaits the arrival of her long time penpal, Sofia, to her dear friend Lilika’s dismay. What secrets will Sofia unravel that were best kept buried?
[u]To our lovely players,[/u]
We've released a brand new build of the game with achievements finally implemented!
You'll now be able to get an achievement for each ending you find in game. Collect them all!
Also, this is a quick announcement that we'll be releasing Amelie in simplified Chinese in the near future. We'll post another update once it is complete and ready for release. Yay!
[u]Merch, Patreon & Reviews[/u]
We sell merch of our games on our [url=https://www.twoandahalfstudios.com/shop]website[/url]! Would you be interested if we added Amelie keychains? Let us know!
We also run a [url=https://www.patreon.com/twoandahalfstudios]Patreon[/url] where we showcase all kinds of cool updates about our games + exclusive art. We'd love if you took a look.
Lastly, if you enjoyed Amelie, we'd love if you would leave us a review. We're aiming to hit 50!
[u]The Divine Speaker[/u]
Our other project, The Divine Speaker, is releasing NEXT MONTH! Wow! We'd love if you could wishlist the game to help our visibility.
That's all for now! We'll have some more REALLY awesome announcements soon.
Two and a Half Studios