Alyss Prequel coming soon!

Abyssal Agent Alyss

An adult RPG where the party members get captured when they fall in battle, and has animated sex animations in combat. Casual difficulty, you can continue after losing as long as you don't lose to a boss or trigger special circumstances. Focuses on one well built interconnected dungeon.

The prequel to Abyssal Agent Alyss; [b]Phantom Thief Sylphy[/b] is releasing on steam in less than 2 weeks. The game Is a stealth puzzle adventure game starring Alyss's partner Sylphy and her first brush with the supernatural. It's full of animated Live2d lewdness, so I hope you all feel like [url=]wishlisting it here[/url]. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39299449/3ab3ca473175c342c048dd6af29c9abefca60a60.gif[/img]