Always On Top Update

The Dream Machine: Chapter 1 & 2

The Dream Machine is an award-winning point & click adventure game about exploring other people's dreams. It's built by hand using materials such as clay, cardboard and broccoli.

Festive Greetings everyone! We just released a small set of tweaks. Some of you have requested that the game window not float on top of other windows – and we listened! The "always on top" behaviour was originally implemented to side-step some graphical issues, but since those have been solved we decided to remove the behaviour entirely. Update notes: - Game: Turned off "always on top" game window behaviour - Game: Added default Steam Input configurations - Game: Tweaked credits - Chapter 1 & 4: Improved toilet flushing sound quality - Chapter 2, 4, 5 & 6: Added dream machine sounds - Chapter 3: Tweaked parasol interaction - Chapter 3: Removed umbrella drink requirement Don't be shy if you encounter any problems in the game. Cheers, - a