Alpha 12

Lawgivers II

Lawgivers II is a political sandbox game that features multiple electoral systems, approve/reject bills and govern a country. Start out your career from the very bottom, and perhaps one day, lead your nation to become the most influential in the world.

Hi folks! Alpha 12 is knocking on the door! Next features on list: the judicial system, coups, events since the 1950, primaries and career/townhalls. The goal is to reach version 1.0 at the end of this year, but Lawgivers II will be supported [u]beyond release[/u] as well. There will be more surveys on Discord to ask the community what they would like to add/improve in the final rush. Thank you so much for your support! [previewyoutube=ArN1JYobaAY;full][/previewyoutube] Note: A new track has been commissioned :) [b]FEATURES[/b] - new playable nation "Spain" - option to organize regional/state campaigns - option to visit a country - new missions "Promise to lower tax", "Promise to end war" - new election polls for regions/states and townhalls - function to make a politician resign - function to make a politician disappear - new agreements system between parties - new thoughts system that works with polls - new scandal "Iillicit funds" - proposals system from categories - impeachment system - sandbox mode for kickstarter edition [b]IMPROVEMENTS[/b] - many more improvements to UI and performance - second party gets second coalition tentative - election turnout now affects nation's stability - more entries in people's and calendar history - constituencies maps are now saved across games - option to manually break coalition - nations AI may start disputes/war - more keys mapped in controls setting [b]FIXES[/b] - many issues affecting multiplayer