[*] Shotgun balancing.
[*] Level streaming improvements.
[*] Lighting tweaks in several areas.
[h3]Bugs fixed:[/h3]
[*] Several fixes of memory related crashes on Xbox.
[*] Fixed crash related to autosaves in the Cemetery.
[*] Fixed crash related to loading saved game files from earlier versions of the game.
[*] Fixed crash when entering Cemetery through the basement door/passage.
[*] Fixed crash during the transition to Chapter 3.
[*] Fixed crash when opening the door to the Conservatory.
[*] Fixed crash in the Gallatin Street showroom.
[*] The number of chambered bullets after loading a save should now be correct.
[*] DLCs are no longer available if disabled in Steam.
[*] Fixed issue where the puzzle HUD remained on screen after exiting a puzzle.
[*] Changes to keybindings are now persistent.
[*] Fixed issues with PC getting stuck on objects in Gallatin Street.
[*] Fixed several instances of flickering HLODs.
[*] Players can no longer access the cheat on the circuit breaker puzzle.
[*] General fixes related to sounds breaking and becoming distorted.
[*] Fixed issue with PC being blocked after the Crypt anomaly in Derceto.
[*] Fixed issue with PC being pushed into the wall in the Crypt anomaly in Derceto.
[*] Fixed menu issues on UWS monitors.
[*] Fixed save issues related to the zipline cutscene on Oil Rig.
[*] PC should no longer get stuck by the destructible gate on the Oil Rig level.
[*] Stopped being able to backtrack on the burning Oil Rig level and get blocked.
[*] Removed broken reset button in the X-Ray puzzle.
[*] Removed blocker between flooded morgue and Dr. Gray’s apartment when playing as Emily.
[*] Removed floating crucifix in War Photo.
[*] Fixed problem with PC getting stuck when traversing below the fallen pillar leading to the first puzzle in Desert Standing Stones.
[*] Fixed issues with sound delays after loading a save.
[*] Fixed issue where Batiste’s Keys were missing from inventory in Chapter 2.
[*] Fixed collision issues on breakable chairs.
[*] Fixed save issues related to objectives updates in AW4.● Fixed screen freeze issues when picking up the Furniture Key.
[*] Players can now remap the opportunity action on keyboard.
[*] Fixed issues where throwing items breaks interactions.
[*] Players can no longer be blocked by missing a puzzle piece in the attic.
[*] Fixed issues where PC spawned outside of playable area after loading saved game.
[*] Fixed save issue where player could get stuck in basement after loading saved game.
[*] “You can’t keep me out” achievement can now be completed.