All Ashes and Illusions released on Steam

The End of an Actress

A historical romance VN about a feckless queen and an impoverished revolutionary based on the life (and death) of Marie Antoinette. Your choices determine whether the capricious Queen Liliane loses her head... or her heart.

Hi everyone, I'm writing an announcement to let you know that my newest VN, [i]All Ashes and Illusions[/i], has been released on Steam! [img][/img] [i]Ashes[/i] is a fairly grim 'romance' story about a delusional young prince who falls obsessively in love with his childhood nursemaid, Safiya. [i]Ashes[/i] features content some people might find discomforting, such as: a relationship with a 20 year age difference (Yuel, the protagonist and delusional young prince, is 20, while Safiya, his nursemaid and love interest, is 41), dub/noncon, written depictions of violence, coarse language, and a lot of casual misogyny. [i]Ashes[/i] is quite a painful read, but it's one of my favourite stories I've written to date, and I'm very fond of the characters. Do consider checking it out, if you're after a VN with an older love interest, and you don't mind a hefty dose of Despair and Suffering! I'd be very interested to hear what people make of this story (and Yuel, in particular), and whether it succeeds in ousting [i]Sweetest Monster[/i] from its position of 'The Most Unpleasant ebi Story to Date'! If you enjoyed some of my grimmer stories that tackle unsettling subject matter, such as the aforementioned [i]Sweetest Monster[/i], [i]The Mermaid of Zennor[/i], or [i]Six Days of Snow[/i], it might be worth checking out! - ebi x