Aliens Vs. Predator Going On A Bughunt

Aliens Vs. Predator fans who weathered the storm of mediocre review scores are being rewarded with a second helping of downloadable multiplayer maps next month in the Bughunt Map Pack, complete with environmental hazards and weather effects.

The Bughunt Map Pack, available on July 7, consists of four new multiplayer maps: Crash Site and Furious for the game's six different competitive online modes, and Tempest and Monument for AvP's co-op Survival mode.

The four new maps all come complete with environmental hazards and weather effects, both new features added to the game with this pack.

Look for the Bughunt Map Pack to hit the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and Steam on July 7 for $6.99 or 560 Microsoft points.

Aliens Vs. Predator Going On A Bughunt
Crash Site
Aliens Vs. Predator Going On A Bughunt
Aliens Vs. Predator Going On A Bughunt
Aliens Vs. Predator Going On A Bughunt