Alien Squatter v1.01 Released

Alien Squatter

You are a homeless extraterrestrial living in a futuristic version of Japan. Struggle to survive in this new style of RPG.

Alien Squatter v1.01 is released! This is a small update to fix several bugs and add a few new tutorial messages. [list] [*] Added new tutorial messages to better explain how sickness works, what the fan does, and why the sewer is good. [*] Fixed a bug related to the purchase price of organ transplants from Doc. Thanks, Jasmine! [*] Fixed a bug that let the player buy the fake money item twice. Thanks, dehexed! [*] Slightly reduced the likelihood of random encounters. [*] Fixed some typos. [/list] [b]What's next?[/b] We're working to get the Mac version up and running. We're also planning a 1.1 release with a few new secrets and features. This should be ready in early November,