Alice's Adventures in Wonderland celebrate 155 years!

Down the Rabbit Hole

Down the Rabbit Hole is a VR adventure set in Wonderland prior to Alice's arrival. You will guide a girl who is looking for her lost pet by solving puzzles, uncovering secrets and making choices about the story along the way.

[h3][b]Alice's Adventures in Wonderland celebrated 155 years yesterday. As a gift to Wonderland fans, we're running a 40% discount on Steam[/b][/h3] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36852660/eff6db15ee4f4a9848246b5cb9aab09870532bf5.png[/img] Oculus published a post written by our team where we cover the design process of Down the Rabbit Hole. [url=]Read it here.[/url] In it, we share some of the unpublished artwork from our process and even share what the characters looked like before we decided on the IP. We hope you enjoy the illustrations and sketches, where we take you through the various stages of our creative process. Look, it's Black Friday and we already know what that means deals! Save some money and instead get yourself some extra gravy for those leftover turkey drumsticks. Whatever you choose to do with your money do not miss out on our as well as other game deals on Steam.