AGOS Tips & Tricks

[url=]10 Short videos to discover and master AGOS controls and systems[/url] [url=]See AGOS Website Media page for Tips and Tricks videos [/url] [h3][b]Play With the Camera[/b][/h3] AGOS is all about playing both with the controls and the camera to get a good understanding of the environment. Zoom in, out, pan, turn around to get the best angle. Camera is manipulated with the side buttons of both controllers (click to recenter, keep both pushed to rotate/zoom in and out/keep one pushed to pan). [h3][b]Use Prograde and Retrograde shortcuts[/b][/h3] These two shortcuts on your left controller are immensely useful. In space, breaking means applying an opposite force to your current trajectory Pressing the lower face button (retrograde) will make the probe automatically align in the opposite of the current trajectory. Once you are repositioned brake by simply thrusting. At lower speed, use the translation cross to define a trajectory, then just press the Prograde button (upper face button) to align your probe on the trajectory. A quick press on the camera button will afterward reposition the camera behind you if needed. [h3][b]Fast speed vs Slow speed [/b][/h3] Keep an eye on your speed. Thrusting is helpful to travel long distance, but don’t forget to break soon enough! RCS (translation cross) and auto brake button (right controller face button) are more adapted to slow and careful navigation [h3][b]Map can be manipulated to provide useful info[/b][/h3] Zoom in and virtually explore any activity. Hover with your controller on the various elements to display info panels [h3][b]All UI elements can be moved around for a better visibility [/b][/h3] Grab the small cross and move most of the UI panels and controls for a better comfort