After released, what have we experienced, and what are our upcoming plans

Yog-Sothoth’s Yard

Manage a hotel and hire employees including Death, a dragon, a Demon-Slayer, and a bioroid maid. Build your wealth through various means and refine your strategies based on the predictions of Oracles. Your choices will determine which employees become enamored with you.

[h2]【TL;DR Version】[/h2] - Restaurant optimization is underway, ensuring a hands-free experience for everyone. - A debt reduction of 20 million has been completed, freeing players from burdensome loans. - The Hotel's Star Rating standards have been lowered, requiring only 600 Clean for an upgrade. - ‘Auto Save’ has been optimized, and ‘Save’/’Load’ shortcuts have been added to the main interface. Hello everyone, thank you for your support of Yog-Sothoth's Yard!We're Bone Nail Studio. The game has been released for 3 days, all of our teammembers are working hard and have received a lot of feedback. We are greatly encouraged by your feedback and suggestions. With gratitude from all of us, human and non-human alike— Thank you, truly. In the past three days, we've released 3 patches, fixed lots of issues, the list is as follows: October 22, 2023 (Updated) 1 Fixed the issue that sometimes the program may be stuck while the Carnival begins. 2 Lowered Monthly Star rating requirements for ‘[b]Clean[/b]’. 3 Fixed the issue about quest descriptions for missions. 4 Fixed issue where some NPC quests incorrectly refreshed. 5 Fixed issue where Save/Load tutorial popped up when returning to main menu from ‘Save’. 6 Fixed issue of ‘Exploration Progress’’s rewards that couldn't be claimed. 7 Fixed issue of ‘Achievement’ when some players got 10-Star but achievement didn't pop. October 21, 2023 (Updated) 1 Optimized SAVE&LOAD. (1) Added ‘Save’and ‘Load’ buttons to the top left corner of the main interface. (2) Provided guidance on saving and loading. (3) Enhanced the display of the ‘Auto’ Save button for easier accessibility. 2 Fix the problem about Haa Lau Ling’s Affinity. 3 Fix some errors about the text. October 20, 2023 (Updated) 1 Fixed the problem of UI default activation on the main interface when restarting the game. 2 Fixed the problem of duplicate archiving of some data. 3 Fixed the problem of incomplete display of cookbooks in the Catalog. 4 Fixed the problem of English version while opening the video may cause the game to get stuck. 5 Corrected the missing content in the 'Crowdfunding Thank You List' [h3]October 23, 2023 (New)[/h3] Improved efficiency of mine excavation and removed mine tasks beyond level 20 (existing players with the task won't be removed). 1 Added Auto Save points before key plot and carnival (auction) rounds. 2 Instant prompts during main plot progression for affection level waiting times. 3 Added system prompts when the stuff’s Affinity level needs to wait for the main plot progression. 4 Optimized rules about the one-click fill of ‘Soul Alchemy’. 5 Fixed some text errors such as the tasks about the mine. We are collecting and evaluating other opinions and suggestions. Due to our gameplay, the underlying design is quite complex, some modification involves some data storage and reading issues. If we make significant adjustments to some data algorithms, it may cause confusion in the archived data and harm the gaming experience of players who are already playing the game. Therefore, we are making modifications carefully and hope that our modifications can effectively enhance the gaming experience. [h2]Some key modifications:[/h2] 1. SAVE/LOAD Save/Load shortcuts added for convenience, and "Auto Save" nodes before key plot points are added. 2. Endings: Various values affect endings, including Evil Value, SAN, and choices. Key items for quick value boosts are provided. Regarding Evil Value and SAN value, the game provides some items for quickly increasing values through "alchemy" and "restaurant". 3. Pressure: Early game pressure has been reduced through Star Rating, and Excavation improvements. Further optimizations are planned. [h2]Upcoming focus areas:[/h2] [h3]1. Reducing the workload of Restaurant![/h3] Future updates will focus on reducing Restaurant tasks, making gameplay more enjoyable. We will try our best not to have players repeat the task of cooking -restock. [h3]2. Trading Cards & Points Shop Items[/h3] Steam has given initial approval, and the Trading Cards & Points Shop Items about Yog-Sothoth's Yard are coming soon!! We look forward to continuing this journey with you. Encountering people who enjoy our game in the gaming world is wonderful. Sincere thanks from Bone Nail Studio! We welcome your feedback by filling out the form at [url=]Feedback Link[/url].