Adult patch has been released on Steam

Rain and the Wolf

A boys love / yaoi visual novel based loosely on Little Red Riding Hood. Follow Rain as he meets a mysterious werewolf, Zero, deep in the woods, and shape his fate with your choices. Will Rain be able to tame the werewolf, or will he meet a grisly end?

Hello everyone, I'm writing this announcement to let you know that the adult patch for [i]Rain and the Wolf[/i] was finally approved for release on Steam. This patch adds 5 new scenes to the game, 6 new CGs, and about 8,000 words of new text. I submitted the patch to Steam on the 25th of July to be reviewed, so it took over 2 months for it to be approved haha... It was a very long and stressful process, but the patch was accepted without issue and I wasn't asked to edit any of the content. With the adult patch now available, it's possible to experience the whole VN on Steam. I hope you enjoy it, if you want to read the VN with the patch - though do note the art in the patch has mosaic censors to comply with Japanese laws. Thank you very much for your support, and I hope you can all enjoy this VN in its uncut glory! - ebi