Adrianne is almost here

Adrianne and Oliver

7 days to achieve your goals. Build your relationship with characters through the choices, leading to different events and then the final outcomes. We’ll have 10 endings, 60 breathtaking sex animations, and more than 750 static images.

We're finally completing the STEAM version of ADRIANNE & OLIVER - it was a long road but everything is almost complete now. I've spend some additional time to add some extra features: [list] [*] achievements [*] cloud saves [*] full STEAM DECK compatibility [*] some extra tweaks to visuals[/list] [b]We plan to release the game next month.[/b] [h2]About the game?[/h2] The story of Adrianne will be touching and focused on the key decisions in her life. She could blindly chase her dreams about being a model and sacrifice everything she has in order to get it, stay in a safe relationship with her loving husband or let her heart decide what is best for her. Can she resist the new temptations that she will find on her way? Is her moral compass solid enough to keep her at a safe distance from the people trying to use her? Can she stay faithful to her husband or is she going to locate her emotions elsewhere? We gonna talk about feelings a lot. In terms of gameplay, we give you seven days to achieve your goals. It won’t be a dating sim – you gonna build your relationship with characters through the choices, leading to different events and then the final outcomes. The game has 10 endings, 60 breathtaking sex animations (every animation has a regular and zoomed version), and almost 800 static images. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42285679/c8fe9087d5b0f4591e25628ab09ed11e3b067131.jpg[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42285679/444e10d02af028e2797511146588590b39e86438.jpg[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42285679/91190a2d5d4d355e0d69dfc792f0876cc94313ac.jpg[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42285679/6b11708923cf42359ee7014883bf5b35a5642792.jpg[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42285679/50ea8124544655d58a8429db42dc8d410327c2c5.jpg[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42285679/06f7e80917332add3df37e6cbcb020251c4f326c.jpg[/img]