A young girl and her loyal friend embark on a rescue mission through a colorful world full of cold machines and unfamiliar creatures. Planet of Lana is a cinematic puzzle adventure framed by an epic sci-fi saga that stretches across centuries and galaxies.
[h1]The Mui Plushie is here! 🎉[/h1]
We're delighted to share that you'll now be able to get your very own [i]limited edition[/i] Mui plushie.
Click the link below to fund the Makeship campaign and bring Mui to life.
[url=https://www.makeship.com/products/mui-plushie]ADOPT ME[/url]
The campaign is only running for 21 days, so don't miss this opportunity!
Follow [url=HTTPS://WWW.X.COM/PLANETOFLANA]Planet of Lana on X[/url]
Follow [url=https://www.x.com/Wishfully_Games]Wishfully on X[/url]