Addressing some complaints


Lunacid is a first person dungeon crawler inspired by old FROMSOFT games like Shadow Tower and King’s Field.

Hi addressing some complaints here. Version 1.0 added pronouns to character creation in Lunacid, which some people are upset about because they exist, and some people are upset because they think it’s a cheap tactic to make people mad, and that I’m hurting people who normally use them. Originally yes, I did add them as a spiteful response to a similar drama about Starfield. Earlier than that when I noticed them in Baulder’s Gate 3 I was happy that I could be my NB self, and thought wow I really should have added them in my Character Creator. I’ve had similar ideas about adding a gender slider in the past. But that idea didn’t really have a purpose in my eyes until I got mad that day. Some people who are quoting my tweet have also been leaving out my second one, where I clarified a bit because I thought it could be interpreted badly. I said this under my “I’m adding em, Just to make people mad”, [b]In a fantasy world you should be able to be whatever you want.[/b] I do think it helps roleplaying a bit, even though there’s no place they are used in-game. I tried to think of some scenarios when they would be used, but talking about the player in third person only happens once in the game, and it’s after the final boss anyway. Games should be a safe place, where we can experience a world we cannot in real life. And while pronouns are more and more commonplace in real life, where I live in NC, they are not. Which gives me more of a reaction than some to outrages over this small thing. I wanted to use my control over my world, but I understand that Lunacid isn’t just mine. It belongs to all of you. If you don’t like pronouns existing at all, you are going to have a tougher and tougher time coping as the world progresses without you. And if I hurt you because you feel that I weaponized your differences or your pain, then I am very sorry. I want this game to be uplifting, I want it to be a dream in which you can experience triumph over impossible odds and then wake up at the end and bring newfound confidence with you. In reality I am just emulating the dreams I had when I was near ending my life. They became lucid and when I triumphed in them and woke up, I brought those feelings with me, and they helped me. That’s what this game is about, and if I’m doing the opposite then I’m not a very good game designer.