An arcade bundle by CWDI GAMES. Includes three arcade games; Chaos, Meteor Storm, and Monster Truck Transport.
Crazy Ball is Crazy!
The object of the game is to guide the ball, as best you can, to the checkered flag in the level to advance to the next level. You can use the keyboard (a,w,s,d or arrow keys) to move the ball. Either tap or hold down the keys. You may also use a joystick or gamepad by moving the x and y axis.
Every time the ball bounces or is moved its velocity increases. If it increase too much it will break out of the level and you will loose a life.
Players can design their own levels for this game as well :)
In the My Arcade folder on your hard drive is "CrazyBall" folder. In the CrazyBall folder is the "Crazy Ball_Data" folder. In the Crazy Ball_Data folder is a folder titled "Levels" The png images the game uses for the levels are in the Levels folder.
You can make a backup of the image files and move them elsewhere. The game will only look for png images files named "1" through "6".
Each image file must be 37 by 21 pixels.
There must be only 1 black pixel (0,0,0) with an alpha of 255 (the spawn point of the player ball in the level.
And one pixel that is white (255,255,255) with an alpha of 255 (where the checkered flag will appear in the level.
Other than that any colored pixel you draw in the level will generate a block of that color in the level.
The level background color will be the bottom most left pixel in the image.
Have fun :)