Add beginner guidance and encyclopedia features, as well as Korean translation

Shelter in the Doomsday

A casual decompression role-playing game developed by myself, in 2D horizontal version, mainly focused on defense and adventure, with storyline tasks, capable of collection and construction. Please subscribe to the download image resource package at Steam Creative Workshop before playing the game

1. Because everyone roast that there was no novice guide and game materials, a new novice guide scene was added. After the introduction of the opening credits when starting a new game is over, it will automatically open and enter. Those who have already saved progress can also go in and take a look. Then, press ESC to exit and load the previous save. Remember not to overwrite the existing save. The multi language versions of the keyboard and handle key bitmap in the beginner guide can be taken or screenshot for retention. 2. In addition, on the right side of the archive point on the second floor, a new bookshelf has been added. Once opened, you can use the encyclopedia. Opening the bookshelf 10 times can also achieve new achievements. 3. Increase Korean translation in multiple languages. 4. The protagonist has increased their movement speed by about 5%.