Activision Claims Infinity Ward Delayed MW2 Map Pack as Favor to EA

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Activision has been allowed to add EA as a defendent in its $400 million countersuit against former Infinity Ward heads Jason West and Vince Zampella, as the company aims to prove they were planning to move to EA while under Activision contract. Gamasutra reports that newly revealed e-mails allegedly show Infinity Ward delayed a Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 map pack as a favor to EA.

The alleged e-mail came on March 3, 2010, the day after news broke of West and Zampella's dismissal. It was sent from EA senior director of global marketing Lincoln Hershberger, and titled "The Fall of IW?" Its recipients were several senior staff members at EA. Battlefield executive producer Karl-Magnuss Troedsson was copied on the e-mail.

"A couple months ago, I asked Vince [Zampella] to hold back their map pack. Until after we launched (he owes me one). Given that they've already made a billion, he was cool with that, obviously [Activision CEO Bobby] Kotick took it as being belligerent."

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