Action! 4.29.0 integrated with CEF v95 is ready!

Action! - Gameplay Recording and Streaming

With Action! you can record and live stream your HD/4K/HDR10/8K gameplay, display game's fps, add webcams, live audio commentary, add streaming overlays such as chatbox, alert box, monitor the status of your recording and streaming, benchmark your computer and more!

Hi Everyone, After 2 years we are switching to one of the latest CEF builds (used for web overlay rendering). Other changes include: - Support for high DPI displays (200% and 300% automatic interface scaling depending on monitor DPI) - Support for virtual/software emulated GPUs Next week we are releasing v1.0 of our Remotly project. Make sure to check it out! BTW. By the end of the year we will allow remote access (streaming + control) to any console from PC, Android and Web browser :) Mirillis Team