Achievements Fix

Roguevive: Prelude

Survive against hordes of enemies getting ever stronger, alone or with friends. Level up, unlock upgrades and new guns in this multiplayer bullet-heaven roguelite.

Hello everyone, I am still fixing the achievements, I think I got everything right this time, please feel free to curse at me if any of them does not work. [h1]Patch Notes[/h1] [list] [*] Additional Code for achievements to Register on the Save File. So every time the a new level starts, it checks for unlocked achievements again. [*] Fixed a specific problem with the "Favorite Choice" and "Long Run" achievements. [*] Fixed Arsenal Upgrade not increasing the Upgrades Tree level. [*] Fixed Lightning Step not showing it's damage value on the game over screen. [*] Reduce level up options cards, they were covering the level bar. [*] Simplified the level up options cards level information. [*] Fixed Fire Ammo tooltip, it was showing 50% chance, but it was nerfed to 20% on the last patch. [*] GraviPush will now hit 3 times before disappearing, it was just doing 1 burst damage. [/list] Thanks everyone who reported the bugs, it really helps a lot.