Achievements and QoL Improvements!


Challenge your mind with a 3D physics-based puzzle game. Take control of a cannon and use your limited supply of cannonballs to bring each level crashing to the ground. Using gravity, momentum, and logic, plan how to knock down each structure and leave nothing standing after the collapse!

[u][b]Achievements[/b][/u] have finally arrived in Collapsed alongside a myriad of QoL improvements : [list] [*] A burning piece is now considered as a piece in movement and doesn't stop the game [*] Camera locks coming back from menu are fixed [*] Music and Sound buttons are now present in the Pause menu [*] Cannonballs can now be changed with C [*] Arrow Keys now work similarly to WASD [*] Pause Menu now has a tooltip about the main game keys [*] Cannonballs can now be fired with Spacebar [/list] We're hoping this will make everyone's experience that much better and will help enjoy the game !