Achievement Requirement Changes

Switch 'N' Shoot

Endless arcade action with just ONE button - Switch directions whenever you shoot!

[b]The requirements for unlocking two of the 'grindy' achievements have been reduced. This was in response to feedback from several players.[/b] [list][*][b]Ultrahyperdrive[/b] - Hyperdrive 125 times (reduced from 250). [*][b]Yakety Sacs[/b] - Kill 25 Incubators (reduced from 25).[/list] These changes were made in the Steam back-end and no update is required for the actual game itself. If you restart Steam you should see the new values take effect. If you had already passed the new thresholds but not the old ones, you should see the achievement(s) unlock automatically when Steam starts. Thanks to everyone who has provided feedback so far! I'm a solo developer so receiving feedback is super helpful for improving the game, even a few years after it's released! :) If you have any more points to discuss you can share them... [list][*][url=]on the forums[/url] [*][url=]in my Discord[/url][/list] Thanks! Matt