[h2]Zool Redimensioned has many new accessibility and quality of life improvements added:[/h2]
[*] Redimensioned mode has a double jump which makes platforming and combat encounters much more accessible for gamers of all skill levels
[*] Redimensioned mode doesn't require you to collect anything in the level to complete it allowing for much faster playthoughs and you can’t get stuck at the end if you didn’t collect enough collectibles
[*] There are also Rewards for collecting over a certain number of collectibles in Redimensioned mode for those who want to hunt them down!
[*] The levels have been substantially reworked/ redesigned to help them flow better, make secrets more fun to find and make it harder to get lost.
[*] Certain in game graphics have been reworked to make things clearer to the player
[*] Game overs now only send you back to the beginning of the level rather than the beginning of the whole game
[*] The game features an assist mode with features like turbo mode firing and infinite double jumps making the game more accessible for anyone or just providing fun new ways to play the game (this does disable achievements though)
[*] The game has fully remappable controls
[*] Added 3 special collectibles in every level to provide additional goals for completionists
[*] The brand new level select screen lets you play any level in the game that you've beaten
[*] Completely reworked physics engine that is designed to be a lot more snappy and responsive
[*] Zool's jump is a lot more easily manageable when compared to the original
[*] Zool's iconic spin attack now accelerates Zool downwards like a drill. This makes it helpful for tight platforming
[*] Zool now has the ability to slowly walk up slopes in both modes providing a low risk/low speed way to get over large hills
[*] Collisions and hitboxes for everything in the game have been reworked
[*] Enemies and bosses now update at 60fps where in the original enemies updated at 30fps