About the plan to release the full version

Dormant - Episode Galatea #1 -

LynxHelixEngine's first shoot'em up game."Dormant - Episode Galatea #1 -"The aim is to create a game that even inexperienced players can enjoy with simple controls and auto-bomb equivalent Drive.Please look forward to a science fiction story with fascinating characters.

Thank you for your interest in "Dormant - Episode Galatea #1 -". I would like to make an announcement about the release date of the full version. I had announced the release date of the full version to be [b]the end of 2021 - early 2022[/b], however I am currently developing it with a target date of [b]early 2022[/b]. Further information will be posted on this game's store page and on Twitter as soon as the game is nearing completion. I apologize for the inconvenience, but please wait a little longer until the full version is completed.