About settings when playing games on a PC with multiple GPUs

PCs with multiple GPUs (e.g., a PC with a CPU internal GPU and a graphics board/video card) may not be able to use the highest-performance GPU in games. In some cases, the GPU used is automatically selected by power-saving settings, etc., and the high-performance GPU may not be used. Instructions on how to adjust your GPU settings are as follows (item names and order of screen transitions may vary): (1) Follow the steps below to browse to the location where the application executable file "ed9" (.exe) is saved. 1. Select "The Legend of Heroes: Kuro no Kiseki" from [LIBRARY] in the Steam client. 2. Select "Manage" (gear icon) -> "Properties... Select "Properties... Select "LOCAL FILES" -> "Browse... You can find the application executable file (ed9) by clicking on "LOCAL FILES" -> "Browse...". 4. Remember where ed9(.exe) is located as it will be used in the following step (2). (2) Settings in Windows 10 Graphics Performance 1. Right-click on the Windows 10 Start menu (Windows icon in the lower left corner of the desktop) and open "System". 2. Select "Display" under "System". 3. Select "Graphics settings" at the bottom of the "Display" settings. 4. Select "Desktop app" from the drop menu under "Choose an app to set preference. 5. Click the "Browse" button below that and specify the location of the "The Legend of Heroes: Kuro no Kiseki" executable file from (1) above. 6. Select "ed9" (.exe) and click "Add" 7. Click "Options" of the added "The Legend of Heroes: Kuro no Kiseki". 8. Select "High performance" (setting that uses GPU) from "Graphics preference" and click "Save". Settings for NVIDIA users: 1. Make sure you have the latest graphics driver from the manufacturer of your PC or from NVIDIA's website. 2. Right-click on an empty space on the desktop to open the "NVIDIA Control Panel". 3. Open "3D Settings" - "Manage 3D settings". 4. Open the "Program Settings" tab and press the "Add" button under "1. 5. Select "The Legend of Heroes: Kuro no Kiseki" from the list of "1.Select a program to customise" and press the "Add Selected Program" button. (If it is not in the list, press the "Browse..." button to open the above ed9.exe). 6. Select "High-performance NVIDIA processor" from the list under "2.Select the preferred graphics processor for this program" 7. Press the "Apply" button at the bottom right of the NVIDIA Control Panel screen to apply the settings. Settings for AMD users   1. Make sure you have the latest graphics driver from your PC manufacturer or AMD's website.   2. Right-click on an empty space on the desktop and open "AMD Radeon settings."   3. Click on the "System" tab and select "Switchable Graphics".   4. If ed9.exe is displayed, select it and set it to "High Performance". If not, click the "Game" tab, select "Add" and add "The Legend of Heroes: Kuro no Kiseki". Other Notes Some notebook PCs will always select the power-saving GPU unless a power adapter is connected, and may not use the high-performance GPU.