A Winter Gift for All: Solstice Trees and DECORATOR MODE!

Plant Therapy

Get cozy in this plant collecting and decorating game! Build a beautiful indoor garden from the ground up in your New York City apartment.

[h3]Dear Plant Parents, [/h3] [h3]The Winter Solstice is nearly upon us and we have new, cheerful trees to brighten things up! [/h3] As usual, these trees are divided up between the base game, Queens, and Coney Island Plus. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44400713/63a5702d06b49729df7173864d245e75a82d47b9.gif[/img] [h3]We have another gift for you: DECORATOR MODE[/h3] This works a lot like COZY MODE. Go to the pause screen and click on the new decorator mode button. But instead of turning off coins, this turns off time! Now you can shop and decorate to your heart's content. When you are done decorating, just click on the decorator button next to your camera button to turn it off. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44400713/2e7bb9b8085acfec602e1d9d3fb62f76fe806498.png[/img] Many of you have been asking for a decorating option and we are happy to provide it! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44400713/a947cb8d58ecb1bff4139a04faf75b2236460607.png[/img] Happy Winter Solstice and if you are in the Northern Hemisphere, try to STAY COZY! XOXO//Jennevieve and the Short Leg Studio Team