Before <..." inertia>

Before <..." inertia>

Before <..." inertia> A Valley Without Wind Proceeds…Procedurally | A Valley Without Wind | Gamehypes

A Valley Without Wind Proceeds…Procedurally

A Valley Without Wind

You choose how to play, and the world of Environ adapts around you.

Before A Valley Without Wind was released I excitedly emailed Jim to demand we discuss the game verdict-style after he’d told everyone wot he thought. I was bewitched by the idea of exploring the worlds it built and was even determined to be that guy, the one who actually liked the graphics. Once I read Jim’s words and played for a while myself I realised that we were of similar mind so a verdict would involve us nodding sagely at one another over a decanter of port, occasionally ‘harrumphing’. I couldn’t even make myself like the way it looked, even as an exercise in contrarian lunacy. Version 1.1 promises significant changes though and Arcen might just be on to something.
