A Third Of The Way There!

Lumenile: Found Footage

a found footage style phycological horror game

Hello everybody, first thing I want to do is thank everybody that has already wish-listed the game, your support means a lot to me, but the main focus of this announcement is to tell you that the first chapter of Lumenile: Found Footage is complete! 🎉 In the first release there will be three chapters: Chapter 1 "Entry Point" Chapter 2 "Sweet Dreams" Chapter 3 "is this the end..." Development has just begun on the second chapter! hang in there everyone! The wait won't be long! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44723266/cf91c68bb7ec0ef6d1a41a691bb5f06c3e3044a6.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44723266/56e47ebcb24b470d3ef6ee965e59dfd196fb727d.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44723266/62c9e6214ae30f58ea22f63f4c69f0f7ba58b453.png[/img]