A Tale of Paper: Refolded is a puzzle-platformer that tells the story of Line, a magical character made of paper who can use origami to change its shape. Transform into a frog, a rocket, a bird and more as Line embarks on an emotional journey to fulfill the dream of its creator.
[h3][b]There's nothing 'tearable' about this news – A Tale of Paper: Refolded has officially launched and is available to download now![/b][/h3]
The world can be a dangerous place for a little paper person, but luckily you're much more than an average sheet of A4. Imbued with magic, you can change into a variety of different papery forms, each with their own special abilities that will help you overcome the challenges ahead.
[*] If you play A Tale of Paper: Refolded and would like to leave some feedback, go ahead and drop it here: [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/1454640/discussions/0/3437955554620964745/][b]A Tale of Paper: Refolded | Game Feedback[/b][/url]
[*] If you encounter any issues or bugs while playing, please report them in this thread: [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/1454640/discussions/0/3437955554620982969/][b]A Tale of Paper: Refolded | Bug Reports[/b][/url]
[*] A Tale of Paper: Refolded has also launched on Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S (and will be coming later in the year to PS5 and Switch)
[*] If you enjoy the game, please consider leaving a user review. Every review really helps!
Thank you for your support and we hope you enjoy A Tale of Paper: Refolded!
[url=https://store.steampowered.com/franchise/Digerati][b]Matt | Digerati[/b][/url]