A sale fit for such a grand cult!

The Shrouded Isle

Includes the Sunken Sins free DLC! Your Excellency, in this short game, we prepare for the awakening of our Lord. He hungers for human sacrifice. Sinners try to hide their dark secrets, but all must be purged...

Greetings fellow cultists, Today we bring you news of a grand sale. 75% grand to be exact, which also includes the Sunken Sins DLC! With such a huge discount you can't possibly say no to drafting a friend into the cult of Kitfox. You may even be able to discuss such cult-ish activites over at our Discord: [url=https://discord.gg/kitfoxgames]https://discord.gg/kitfoxgames[/url] With discipline, Fiona and the Kitfox cult