A new patch is here!

Space Company Simulator

Take the position of a CEO of a space transport company and become a new major player in the industry. Space Company Simulator is a realistic management sim game that will challenge your planning skills as you strive to launch the first manned mission to Mars.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/34306602/051638101eff12877040e5c3908a38278919a98f.jpg[/img] [h3]Dear Space CEOs![/h3] We're still working on changes to make Space Company Simulator top of the line. In this patch, we focused mainly on the aspects of rocket assembly, but we’ve also taken care of many other issues. Here’s the full list of changes: [h3]Changelog[/h3] 🔧 [b]ASSEMBLY:[/b] [list][*] Fixed the issue with the second Engine slot disappearing [*] Fixed the issue with the Rocket Tank slot being active when placing Struts [*] Component slots are no longer covered by the Inventory tab [*] Fixed the issue with exceeding the allowed threshold of components which distorted other values in the Technical Overview tab [*] Fixed the incorrect display of component size information (S / M / L) which prevented components from being placed in corresponding slots [*] Sandbox Assembly: Thumbnail preview at rocket startup updates correctly [*] Fixed the issue with disappearing component slot names [*] Fixed the issue with inability to produce more components in a single turn after already commissioning the production of a certain component [*] Fixed the issue with “Launch the rocket” and “Abort” buttons appearing in the Assembly after pressing certain keys [*] Improved component grouping in the Inventory[/list] ⚙ [b]SETTINGS:[/b] [list][*] Fixed the issue with the game switching to Windowed mode after selecting any game mode [*] Fixed the issue with incorrect save data in Save & Load panels [*] Fixed the issue with the save button constantly remaining active in the graphic settings [*] Fixed the issue with settings not refreshing despite the changes [*] Fixed the issue whereby Windowed mode would activate when opening the Settings menu[/list] 📈 [b]PERKS:[/b] [list][*] Fixed the issue with the value of Perk points gain and money loss not updating after skipping turns or reloading the game [*] Fixed the issue with the Second Child and Apple of My Eye Perks which prevented players from buying more Perks [*] Fixed the issue with Perk Trees scrolling across various departments[/list] 🏢 [b]BUILDINGS:[/b] [list][*] Fixed the issue with the marketing building texture not refreshing after closing the PR panel [*] Fixed the issue with exclamation marks not appearing when there’s a new building that can be constructed [*] Lights in buildings no longer work during daytime [*] Fixed the issue whereby players had to click RMB to be able to select buildings after loading the game from the in-game menu [*] The Department management menu can no longer be opened while in the Building mode [*] Fixed the Building Process information updates in the Buildings Map [*] Fixed the issue with buildings not changing their status after clicking the ”Build” button on consecutive game launches [/list] 📌 [b]OTHER:[/b] [list][*] Fixed the bug displaying the wrong background (Space Atlas) when entering the Assembly from Mission Control [*] Fixed the issue with planets' details disappearing when zooming too close in the Mission Control window [*] Fixed the issue with the Department Efficiency not refreshing correctly [*] Corrected one of the Investor’s Best Player Bonus information [*] Hid notifications from the Rocket Launch window [*] Fixed the issue with email notifications overlapping with the rocket launch screen [*] Corrected the Polish translation [*] Status bar now updates correctly [*] Fixed the issue with positive traits displaying in red [*] Fixed the issue with the loan time displaying incorrectly in the Finance>Loans card [*] And more![/list] Keep giving us awesome ideas and suggestions on [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/923970/discussions/]Steam[/url] and [url=https://discord.gg/CPUcUZc]Discord[/url]. Thank you all for helping us make this update happen. If you like the changes, please consider dropping us a review on Steam—we’d love to hear what you think! Stay on course and aim for the stars! INTERMARUM & All in! Games [b]Follow Space Company Simulator for the lastest news:[/b] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/34306602/8b34a4d98d4f2fd10dec7e85f406367b828a4ace.png[/img] [url=https://discordapp.com/invite/CPUcUZc]Chat with us on Discord[/url] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/34306602/645be83a137d3c70f8afea0a46f0ee092265b9be.png[/img] [url=https://www.facebook.com/spacecompanysimulator/]Like us on Facebook[/url] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/34306602/30dcb8d455a3b750d6ec4d601b7dd58645122467.png[/img] [url=https://twitter.com/AllinGamesPub]Follow us on Twitter[/url] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/34306602/832cefd236f3105807c450feca0d3f9f11498c52.png[/img] [url=https://mailchi.mp/allingames/newsletter]Subscribe to our Newsletter[/url] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/34306602/b706e9196decffb8d3cee395f437c1dbea316a95.png[/img] [url=https://store.steampowered.com/publisher/allingames]Check out the publisher page on Steam[/url] https://store.steampowered.com/app/923970/Space_Company_Simulator/