A new Groundhog Day episode is now available!

The Jackbox Party Pack 7

Five new games: the hit threequel Quiplash 3, the collaborative chaos of The Devils and the Details, the fierce drawing game Champ’d Up, the speech game Talking Points and the guessing game Blather 'Round. Use phones or tablets as controllers and play with up to 8 players, and an audience of 10,000!

It's Groundhog Day for those who celebrate. We celebrate with a custom episode of Quiplash 3. You can play this new episode over and over again in [i]The Jackbox Party Pack 7[/i] by starting a game. The first player in the lobby will then click on the EPISODES MENU button on their device. Then enter the code BBY-SJGV. Presto! Your Groundhog Day party is ready to go. [url=https://support.jackboxgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/15794763590167-Using-custom-or-user-created-episodes]Learn more about custom episodes here.[/url]