A medium-sized update :)

Bilkins' Folly

Percy’s on a quest to find his missing relatives, and he needs your help! Join him and his beloved dog Drayton as they adventure through a series of unusual islands, solve puzzles to uncover valuable treasure, and bring to light the foreboding family secret buried beneath it all.

Jake Grubb will now give a hint on his diaries in normal mode Minecart puzzle - adjusted timer to be more forgiving Remy's Lott - slight adjustment to distillery map icon keysmith achievement would not always unlock Remy's Lott - final Flo's Hunt token, made sensor for this more forgiving Fixed a rare bug where the player would get stuck looking out to sea on the ship increasing Drayton's sniffing ability could remove sniffing sensor Fixed softlock in skull dungeon if entering the same wheel code twice. Removed unneeded graphic in tutorial menu Blum's puzzle could be inadvertedly solved by spamming the 'esc' key Switch icons - should reflect reversed a/b now Made Cecil's step puzzle more forgiving Fixed bug where player could run outside of the bounds of a cutscene before it triggered after getting map off Cynthia If player skipped that cutscene, it will now trigger on reloading Crabb Island if story has not progressed further Fixed issue where after beating Big Catch tournament, bait was still being deducted Added a warning on new game that it will delete progress