A Light in the Dark Kickstarter Campaign


This is a story about a future before the stars are extinguished. A man who knows about the end and decides to live lavishly and a girl who will turn his life upside down. Their story begins when she steps under his umbrella.

Hello everyone! Just a heads up to let everyone know that there is an ongoing Kickstarter campaign for "A Light in the Dark" which is a new visual novel game collaboration by CreSpirit, Storia and Narrator. It's almost 70% funded and can definitely use your support! Please check it out! [url]https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/sekaiproject/a-light-in-the-dark-vn-by-crespirit-storia-and-nar[/url] [img]http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/11358524/ad1e51a0d452c167bd84978821517703c17721f1.jpg[/img]